
Books Review 3
Title: Christmas in Prague
Author: Joyce Hannam
Level: 2

A married couple lives a married life. There are three people-Carol, her husband Jan, and his father Josef. Carol is a harpist. In winter, she had concerts in Plague. She wanted Jan and Josef to go there for Christmas. But Josef had a sad story there.
Josef was born in Plague. He had two sons and wife. He left his home town, because he wanted freedom. He could across the border with one son Jan, but his wife and another son couldn’t. She was killed. Josef thought the son was also killed, but he was alive.
In Plague, Josef met the son. The son didn’t know his father. Josef talked with him and tell him really story.

Evaluation: 5 stars
I think Josef was very sad, because he lost his wife and a son. But the son was alive. Josef found his son and the son found his father. I think Josef and the son were very happy when they met in Plague. It is right to leave his home town for freedom. I think Josef and his wife are bravery. I felt Josef’s love for his family and I thought a family has a bound.
Books Review 2
Title: Drive into Danger
Author: Simon Gurr
Level: 2

Mark Miles has many trucks. One day, one of his drivers, Gary Slater, got hurt in the right arm and couldn’t drive. But there were important works that was to take some tables to France from England. When Mark was in trouble Kim Parker who is working in Mark’s office arrived. Kim can drive a truck. Mark asked her to drive a truck. His son Andy went to France with her, because he can speak French and read a map. Gary told them the way to go to France. They must stop truck stops which Gary told them. On the way to France, Andy found that the truck is losing oil. Then Kim found parcel under the truck. When they took a rest the man in green shirt took something out from under the truck. But it was sandwiches they brought. A parcel the man really wanted was drugs. The red car that the man drove was only a few meters behind. Kim stopped suddenly. The red car ran into the back of the truck. After that, Andy threw the parcel of drugs into rubbish dump skip and telephoned the police. The police came and caught them. Andy and Kim arrived at wine shop very late. He told a long story to little man who was waiting them.

Evaluation: 3 stars
I was surprised to read this book because it was contrary to my expectation. I thought Gray was good man, but he wasn’t. Kim can drive a truck. Andy can speak French and read a map. I was interested in helping each other. They fight against evil. I think I must do so. We live with many people, they all have their specialty. So I want to cooperate with many people to fight against evil.
Books Review 1
Title: Give us the Money
Author: Maeve Clarke
Level: 1

There was a man who works in a bank. His name is Adam Gray. He thought that every day was the same and nothing exciting ever happened to him. On Monday morning, his horoscope for that day said “Do something different today”. So he went to bank through different way. The park that he walked was a studio for the movie about a robber. But he didn’t know that. He was mistaken and helped the actor who was attacked. He ran away from the park with the actor. Then he ran against real robber who came out of a bank. When he hit against the real lobber he brought robber’s bag with a lot of money. When real robber ran after them the actor had a good idea. It was to shoot the scene which is real robber was arrested. They call police up and the robber was caught by police. The director was grad to shoot wonderful film. Because of it, Adam was late for the bank and he was discharge. But he found new job. It was actor.

Evaluation: 3 stars
I like Adam because he is an honest person. He was mistaken in the park, but he did something different. And he found a new job that he wanted to do. I also had thought that every day was the same like him. Every day I only go to school. But there are many interesting things in my life. I would like to do something different and find delightful days.