
Books Review 12
Title: Pissarro
Author: Mike Venezia
Level: 2

Camille Pissarro was born in 1830 on the Caribbean island of St. Thomas. When he grew up, he moved to Paris, France. There he became an important member of the Impressionists. He was very kind and generous. So, he more experienced than the other Impressionist artists.
Many of Pissarro’s most famous works are pictures of the countryside around Paris. He loved nature more than anything.
Pissarro had always been interested in drawing and art. When he was twenty-two years old, he went to the South America to perfect his drawing skills. Two years later he went to Paris. He studied art any countries and perfected his skills.
Pissarro died in 1903 at the age of seventy-three. He spent most of his life creating wonderful drawings, prints, and paintings of simple, everyday scenes. He inspired many great artists of his time.

Evaluation: 4 stars
I saw his picture. His picture is used a lot of colors and drawn softly. I didn’t know his pictures but, I was impressed to see his picture. My favorite picture that was written by Pissarro is “Chemin de halage”. This picture is calm. So I see this picture and am healed. He was very kind and generous, so I think that he was loved by a lot of people.
Books Review 11
Title: Starman
Author: Phillip Burrows
Level: 1

Bill is hot and tired. He is driving along a long, long road in the centre of Australia. He wants to go home.
Suddenly Bill sees something. It is a man. The man does not move or speak. Bill cannot leave him here-there is nothing for hundreds of kilometers around-no water or food. Bill helps the man and he gets into the car. The car drives fast on the long, straight road. The man is sleep. Bill listens to the news on the radio. A very white light is in the sky near Wolalonga.
They drive for an hour before they get to Bill’s house. Bill and his wife Emily find a wallet in the man’s pocket. There is a name-John Phillips-and a telephone number. There is also some money that is twenty years old.
They call the doctor. And they call the number and talk Phillips’ wife. They find that Phillips has been missing for thirty years and his wife has a new husband.
The doctor takes Phillips to hospital. They put John in the plane next to the doctor. Suddenly stands up in the plane and jumps. John is twenty meters above the trees, but he is not falling any more. A beam of light stops him and takes him away. Up, up, up.
The doctor closes his eyes. The light is very, very white. When he opens his eyes the light is not there. Then he is in the future.

Evaluation: 4 stars
When I read this story, I felt mysterious. I think that John is the man that lives thirty years ago. He is a Starman. I think he has a power. So, the doctor was taken in the future by the Starman. I always see the sky. There are a lot of stars. When I see the shooting star, I will think about Starman.
Books Review 10
Title: Red Rose
Author: Christine Lindop
Level: 1

Anna plays the guitar and lives in Grandview Apartment. Will has bunch of roses and visits his grandmother living in the apartment. Anna is waiting her friend outside the building. Will sees a young woman, Anna. He thinks “She is nice!” and he smiles at her. Anna also thinks he is nice.
Anna cannot forget Will, and Will cannot forget Anna. Anna looks for Will, but she does not see him. Will also does not see Anna.
On Thursday, Will goes to the shop and gets some things for his grandmother. He meets his friend Tom. Suddenly it begins rain. Tom asks Will to take his friend Anna to Grandview Apartment. They arrives Grandview Apartment. They get out of the car, and they begin to talk at the same time. “Oh! It’s you!” Anna lives in his grandmother’s upstairs.
On Friday Will goes to the apartment to see his grandmother. He is carrying a bunch of red roses. Red roses-they say “Red roses for love.” Ten minutes later, Will comes out of his grandmother’s apartment and goes upstairs. He is carrying a bunch of red roses.

Evaluation: 5 stars
I was interested. I felt anxiety because they didn’t meet for a long time. But I’m happy because they met. Anna plays guitar so Will hears guitar. Will has bunch of roses so Anna smells roses. But they didn’t where they are. It was exciting for me. This is love story that gets warm mind.