
Books Review 5
Title: The Fifteenth Character
Author: Rosemary Border
Level: 1

Sally Brown works at Happy Hills in her holiday. She is a student and she wants to be a teacher. Every morning Mr. Parry puts a list of jobs for Today in the worker’s canteen. Today Sally arrives at Happy Hills. She looks canteen. The list says “Sally Brown-Cnnie Cat.” Nobody likes wearing the costumes. But at Happy Hills the characters are important.
It is nine o’clock. The doors open. Today a very famous man is coming to Happy Hills, so Mr. Parry is very excited. The man is a singer and his name is Zapp. Sally loves listening to his songs and she has all his CDs. There is a noise in the sky. Everybody looks up. The helicopter comes down and Zapp gets out. He smiles at the visitors. She wants to talk, but Mr. Parry is watching. Zapp brings a CD that is his new song. It is in his pocket.
Zapp is having a wonderful day. The photographers take photos of him with all the characters. Sally meets Zapp too, and she is very excited.
Mr. Parry says “Zapp can’t find his CD!” Zapp is angry. Very soon four police arrive and ask a lot of questions. But they can’t find CD.
Sally looks at Mr. Parry’s Jobs for today list and counts the name. And she says “There are fourteen characters on the list. But there are fifteen characters there.” Charlie Clown isn’t on the list. Charlie Clown is a woman. She has the CD.
It is Saturday night. Sally and William are Zapp’s concert. They have invitation from Zapp.

Evaluation: 4 stars
I was excited when I found Title’s meaning. I understand Sally. I love listening to music and I have favorite singer. Her favorite singer is Zapp. So I think she was very happy when she got invitation from Zapp. She wants to be a teacher. She is clever and comes in contact with a lot of boys and girls. So, I think she can be a teacher. I want to do something for my dream. So, I study heard.

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